Friday, November 6, 2015

doilies, deckshen, blondas, napperons, салфетка, 桌布

I  am a fan of Google Definitions.  When I started this post, I realized I had no idea where the word doily  came from or its full meaning.  So from Google Definitions:
plural noun: doilies
  1. a small ornamental mat made of lace or paper with a lace pattern, typically placed on a plate under a cake or other sweet foods.
late 17th century: from Doiley or Doyley, the name of a 17th-century London draper. The word originally denoted a woolen material used for summer wear, said to have been introduced by this draper. The current sense (originally doily napkin ) dates from the early 18th century.

Google Definitions has more stuff too, like a translator (hence the multilingual title for the post) and a graphic that tracks usage over the centuries.
Now that we are clear on the word, we can state with confidence that doilies are very pretty and practical in wrapping.

From lovepaperlove:

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